Software Defined Networking

"Software Defined Networking" is a course for B.Sc./M.Sc. students of Computer Science (and related study programs). It is held as a combination of a lecture and exercises.

Instructor: Prof. Dr. David Hausheer
Assistants: Lars-Christian Schulz, Robin Wehner, Tony John
Hours per week: 2 + 2
Credits: 6
Lecture: Wednesday, 15:00 - 16:30, Location: Room G28-027
Exercises: Monday, 11:15 - 12:45, Location: Room G29-334
Friday, 09:15 - 10:45, Location: Room G29-334
Exam: Written Exam (In case of few registrations, an oral exam will be held.)
Languages: English

Course Description

The course deals with cutting edge topics in the area of software defined networking (SDN):

  • SDN Architecture (Application, Control, Infrastructure Layer)
  • SDN Interfaces (North/South-bound vs. East/West-bound interface)
  • SDN Applications and Use Cases (e.g. Multicasting)
  • Network Virtualization and Slicing (e.g. FlowVisor)
  • Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and Network Service Chaining
  • SDN Security
  • Network Operating Systems and Languages
  • OpenFlow Controller (e.g. NOX, Beacon, etc.)
  • Hardware Switches (e.g. NEC IP8800, Pronto) vs. Software Switches (e.g. NetFPGA, OpenVSwitch)
  • SDN in Wireless Networks (e.g. OpenWRT)

Students will get a deep insight into Software Defined Networking and its applications.


Textbooks as indicated.

Slides and paper copies as necessary.


Basic courses of the first 4 semesters are required. Knowledge of lectures Communication and Networks are recommended.


The course material will be made available using the Moodle platform:

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