The Networks and Distributed Systems (NetSys) Lab is currently participating in the SCION project, in collaboration with Prof. Dr. Adrian Perrig at ETH Zurich. Additionally, the NetSys Lab has an ongoing collaboration with Deutsche Telekom since 2017 on "SCION" as well as "DDoS Mitigation". Moreover, our lab is leading the "SCION-Swarm" project, which is funded by the nlnet foundation. Furthermore, in the scope of the EU Fed4FIRE+ testbed project, we are running the "SCION on Fed4FIRE+" experiment. Prof. Dr. David Hausheer is also leading and managing the research network EmanicsLab.
Prior to joining OVGU Magdeburg, Prof. Hausheer has been participating in several research projects in his chair on “Peer-to-Peer Systems Engineering” at TU Darmstadt including the German DFG Collaborative Research Centre MAKI, the EU projects SmartenIT and eCOUSIN, the Deutsche Telekom industrial project "Dynamic Networks", and the Bell Labs project "Elastic Network Services". Additionally, through its association with the Multimedia Communications Lab (KOM), Prof. Dr. David Hausheer also participated in the BMBF project G-Lab, the ETRI industrial project on P2P Assisted Social IPTV, as well as the DFG research group "QuaP2P", which they also coordinated.
Moreover, in his former groups at ETH Zurich and University of Zurich, Prof. Dr. David Hausheer has been involved in several national and international research projects, including the EU projects M3I, MMAPPS, Akogrimo, SmoothIT, and the EU COST Action 290. He has also been in leading positions in EU FP6 EC-GIN and EU FP7 EMANICS. Furthermore, he has been a co-applicant for the SNSF project DaSAHIT, the Cisco URP project SCRIPT, and the EU CSA project SESERV. From 2009-2011 he was on leave at UC Berkeley under an SNSF fellowship and from 2008-2009 he acted as chair of the EU FP7 Future Internet Socio-Economics working group.
The results of his research are published and presented in both national and international scientific journals and conferences.